Work with me


We start with a thorough intake of your health history - very close to the process of functional medicine that looks at the roots of any disease or imbalance - as well as all your current symptoms or goals you have. Whether you want an improvement on your symptoms or would like a preventative approach to ensure your ability to perform at your best we will decide on an approach together.  


As it is a nutrition & health coaching the main approach is via adaption of nutrition. Don’t worry - it doesn’t always mean taking beloved foods out of your nutrition - sometimes it just means getting more good things in. It just depends on your individual needs.

Any supplements are usually meant as a short time support unless your personal setup demands a more long term approach.


We will meet via Zoom at the agreed frequency and discuss any improvements or challenges you might have encountered since the last meeting. After every meeting you will get a health plan. In this you will find a summary of what we talked about - nobody can remember everything - and nutrition, supplement and/or test recommendations.

Personal Nutritionist?

Although my approach to your health goals is always individual and highly personalised, there is also another option.

For those who are in a high demand environment - constant traveling, no regular home life and simply no time and headspace to spend on your meal planning, I offer an even more bespoke service. It’s a bit like having a personal nutritionist! 

Available Tests

  • GI Tests like GI360 Complete, GI Map

  • Organic Acid Test

  • Dutch Complete (Hormone Test) also with CAR (Cortisol Awakening Response)

  • Adrenal Testing

  • Food Allergy Tests

  • Testing for various Toxins

  • and more…

You have questions before you want to book a discovery call? No problem - just send me a message!